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Official World Records 2022

Racing Bobby-Car

It's done! After two months of intensive planning, we can proudly announce a resounding success:

Marcel Paul achieved an impressive 130.72 km/h on Saturday (May 28, 2022) in Sichenhausen, Hesse, setting a new speed record on a modified Bobby-Car. He succeeded in his third attempt, surpassing his previous speeds of 126.58 km/h and 128.39 km/h. "It's absolutely incredible that I managed to break the 130 km/h mark in my third and final run," exclaimed the 29-year-old with excitement.

Marcel Paul also achieved a positive outcome in his second record attempt: On his original Bobby-Car, he reached an impressive speed of 106.01 km/h. In his initial attempt, he had reached 105.26 km/h. The Hessian racer exceeded his own expectations with this top speed on a standard Bobby-Car with plastic wheels: "I thought I would reach a maximum of 80 to 90 km/h," he admitted. However, the 1.5-kilometer long road with a 15 percent gradient provided the Bobby Car racer with much more thrust than anticipated.

Evaluation of the measurement device by ALGE Timing.

The two maximum speeds - 130.72 km/h on the modified and 106.01 km/h on the classic Bobby-Car - have been officially recognized by Olaf Kuchenbecker, the chief record judge of the
REKORD-INSTITUT für DEUTSCHLAND. As a result, we are now also hoping for an entry in the Guinness Book of Records.

Here is the record entry at the Rekord Institut:

On our YouTube channel, you can find videos of the descents, including the driver's perspective:

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Record Runs on Kabel Eins

On July 08, 2022, it finally happened!

The segment about the Bobby-Car world records was broadcasted on Kabel Eins in the show "Abenteuer Leben" ("Adventure Life").

We extend our heartfelt thanks to video journalist and host Matthias Fiedler from Munich, as well as the entire team at Moviewerk for this wonderful report.

From minute 14:30 onwards >> Abenteuer Leben Stream <<

(Simply click on the image)

We Thank You for the Tremendous Support!

We extend our gratitude to our numerous volunteers for their fantastic support! Special mentions go to the Bobby-Car Sport Association, the Bobby-Car Club Michelbach, and the Bobby-Car Friends Kempenich, who took care of various organizational matters. These include track safety, equipment provision, and race officials.

We also express our heartfelt thanks to Lothar Kusch from Lupp - he provided us with the traffic light system for road closure and played a significant role in track safety. Furthermore, his truck served as a "shuttle". We sincerely appreciate Tobias Müller from Mittel-Seemen and Reifen-Wallasch company from Nidda for providing the safety materials.

In a special way, we want to thank reporter and host Matthias Fiedler from Munich. The video journalist will produce a segment about the record attempt for the show "Abenteuer Leben". "His commitment set everything in motion," emphasizes Marcel Paul, thanking him for the "amazing collaboration".

Regarding the planning, we especially thank Ortsvorsteher Martin Grundl from Sichenhausen - without his approval and assistance with bureaucratic matters, the project wouldn't have been possible. Additionally, we thank Christian Plösser from the city of Schotten and the Verkehrsbehörde Vogelsberg for swiftly granting the road closure permit.

We are also greatly indebted to WerkzeugDiscount24 company, which provided us with a generous donation. We would also like to thank the manufacturer BIG-Spielwarenfabrik for the numerous merchandise products, which brought joy to our youngest viewers.

Overall, we extend our gratitude to the wonderful audience, which created a great atmosphere throughout the day and forgave us for some time delays. Our thanks also go to the Dorf-Förderverein Sichenhausen, which provided sausages and drinks for refreshments. A big thanks to Lukas Fischer from the Bobby-Car Speed Elite Meimsheim: He skillfully guided the event as a host.

Event Sponsors

BIG Lupp


BC Freunde Kempenich

Press Releases 2022

ZDF: Rekord der Rekorde in Deutschland

Spiegel: Wie schnell fährt ein Bobby-Car?

ZDF: 130 Kilometer pro Stunde : Hesse stellt Bobby-Car Weltrekord auf

Spiegel: Mit Tempo 130 auf dem Bobbycar zum Rekord

Spiegel: Wie ein 29-Jähriger aus Hessen den Geschwindigkeitsrekord für Bobby-Cars brach

Focus: Mit Bobby-Car ins Guinness-Buch der Rekorde - Hesse fährt Höchstgeschwindigkeit

Stern: Bobby-Car-Rekord: Mit Tempo 130 den Abhang hinunter

Welt: Mit 130 km/h den Abhang hinunter - Bobby-Car-Weltrekord

ntv: Mehr als 130 km/h Hesse bricht Bobby-Car-Weltrekord

ntv: Hesse rast mit getuntem Bobbycar ins Guinness-Buch

FAZ: Geschwindigkeitsrekord auf dem Bobby-Car

Frankfurter Neue Presse: Wetterauer Bobby-Car-Fahrer rast mit 130 Kilometern pro Stunde zum Weltrekord

t-online: Mit 130 km/h den Abhang hinunter Hesse fährt Weltrekord im Bobby Car ein

RTL: Neuer Weltrekord: Hesse rast auf Bobbycar mit 130 km/h Abhang runter

Bild: Hesse rast mit 130 km/h Wahnsinns-Weltrekord mit Bobby-Car 130,7 km/h mit dem Bobby Car: Hesse bricht Weltrekord

FFH: 130 km/h: Hesse stellt neuen Bobbycar-Weltrekord auf

Berliner Morgenpost: Mit 130 km/h den Abhang hinunter - Bobby-Car-Weltrekord

Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Bobby Car Geschwindigkeits-Rekord: Hesse im Guiness-Buch der Rekorde

Süddeutsche Zeitung: 130 km/h: Hesse schafft Bobby-Car-Weltrekord

hessenschau: Mit 130 km/h den Hang runter Hesse stellt Weltrekord mit Bobbycar auf

SWR3: Mit 130 km/h den Berg runter - auf einem Bobbycar!

msn: Bobbycar-Weltrekord: Halsbrecherische Geschwindigkeit mit dem Spielzeug-Klassiker

Salzburger Nachrichten: Deutscher schaffte mit 130 km/h Bobby-Car-Weltrekord So schnell kann ein getuntes Bobby Car fahren - Marcel Paul braust mit 130 km/h zum Weltrekord

oe24: 130 km/h am Bobby Car: Deutscher schafft Weltrekord

Südtirol News: Kinderspielzeug auf Autobahn-Geschwindigkeit gebracht Deutscher schafft mit 130 km/h Bobby-Car-Weltrekord 130 km/h auf dem Bobby Car: Deutscher stellt Weltrekord auf Deutscher stellt Weltrekord mit Bobby-Car auf Mat 130 km/h um Bobby Car Richtung Guinness-Rekord gerannt

All News Press: Bobby Car record: down the slope at 130 km/h